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Friday, December 9, 2011

Three ideas

(excerpt from my journal entry dated November 2, 2011, a Wednesday)

I had wanted to write last night kasi there were some ideas that came to me, but then it was already past 10 p.m. so I decided against it kasi nga I’m getting up very early today. So what were those ideas? Hmm…let me collect my thoughts….
There’s this short story idea about vengeance, wherein…. [censored muna, hehe]. I’ll think about the details of this one some other time, but right now I have decided I’d like it light enough to make it to the young adult category of reading materials. In truth, I’d like all my fiction to be in that category because it’s more exciting that way. I mean, it’s more exciting reading young adult stories because, as one writer I read somewhere put it, there is something really going on in them (e.g.  J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books). Not like with, say, James Joyce or Chekhov, where a lot of the story takes place in the mind. I think the best fiction combines great plot with great psychology (Shakespeare, for example)…but that’s something I have to think about some more on.
The other idea is concerning resilience in people. There is this law that was passed in Congress recently, wherein it is now against the law to effect corporal punishment and humiliation on children. My position regarding this has always been on moderation. Not too hard but not too lenient either. So last night, when Ian (my nephew, barely two years old) played with his drink and spilled (not unintentionally) it on the floor, I slapped his hands. And when he wouldn’t wear his slippers, I slapped his feet.  He didn’t mind much the slapping (I guess), but the next time I told him to put on his slippers, he readily obeyed.

And I thought children should be disciplined when they’re still in their most resilient period. I think this is when they’re still able to get over a situation (or a “lesson”) quite easily without them tending to harbor any ill thought about the disciplinary act. Much of Hollywood culture has produced lots of brats who are so overdramatic over the littlest things, the smallest act of discipline is magnified to something traumatic.  I abhor child abuse, but I don’t like them learning about life through the extremes of letting them be like those boys in “The Lord of the Flies.”
My arguments here are badly constructed. I don’t know what’s with me this morning. My mind is not so focused on this right now. There is this other idea I wanted to write about last night, but I forget what….Oh yes, rhyme and reason. That’s what I wanted to write about. Pero semantics lang naman. Rhyme alone, or reason alone, could make for convincing evidence, but not necessarily compelling. So it’s basically “convincing” versus “compelling.” How deep. Ahehe. Semantics nga lang, e. I’m down to my last line. What else to write about? Well, good morning, world! Good morning, universe! Good morning, God! Amen. Amen. Amen. Chapter!

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