(excerpt from my journal entry on Halloween, October 31, 2011, a Monday)
While at the cemetery yesterday, I ate a lot, prayed very little, and yeah, took some pictures using my sister’s digital camera. I think I took some four or five interesting landscape and still life photos. I took pictures of our family, too. But I don't know. I just don't find taking our pictures more interesting than taking "artful" pictures. Hehe. Ang yabang, e, no? Anyhow, we got through another (anticipated) All Saints’ Day observance. Before we went home, I drove us (or at least our party) to the mall, and I bought a headset for my computer. When we got home, kainan ulet. It’s the usual…what the f…ork? I’m losing my train of thought because someone out on the street is singing, “Labanan natin ang tukso…!” off key. Very annoying. What am I going to write now? Ah, yes. Last night, we watched documentary shows on TV. The usual fare around this time of the year: paranormal stuff! Which I find very interesting, although lately, most of the features these shows present have grown predictable and ho-hum. I switched channels and found a replay of Imbestigador’s 2009 Halloween special, and that one I found more creepy. Truth is I was having second thoughts about taking a bath last night. Remember I wrote here yesterday that I would take a bath only after we got home from the cemetery? Well, we got home at past 7 p.m., and as usual, I procrastinated again about taking a bath (because I really find taking baths very trivial!). So I watched TV first, and got too scared from watching those shows I almost didn’t take a bath. I did manage to “wash” my body in a little over 5 minutes in the bathroom, and then I shampooed my hair and washed my face at the sink in the kitchen, which is more “accessible” from the living room area than the bathroom. What a fraidy cat! Hehehe. But that’s just last night, I’m sure of it. I usually enjoy being alone in the house or being awake all by myself (when everyone else is asleep) because that’s the time I feel most relaxed and more focused—on myself, my thoughts, my needs, etc. When everyone else is awake, you put other people’s needs and concerns ahead of yours, and it can get tiring. With the exception of writing here, the rest of my “to-do” things are basically for my family, etc. Even my procrastination is for my family, hehe….
they recommend we take our showers here for only 3 minutes, Mok...your version is WAYYYY too generous! hehe.